
Surname Racz
Organisation SÍN Arts Centre
Fonction international relations and strategic development officer
City Budapest
Country Hungary
Presentation Anikó Rácz is an arts manager, coach and business trainer based in Budapest, Hungary. Currently she takes the position of international relations and strategic development manager at SÍN Arts Centre (, a production house for the support and development of independent contemporary dance artists. She is also responsible for the programming and producing of the Theatre and Dance venue of Sziget Festival ( being the second biggest large scale cultural festival in Europe. Between 2014 and 2020 she led three editions of dunaPart (, the biannual Hungarian Platform for Performing Arts. She has been the member of the IETM ( advisory committee since 2017.
She takes an active role in the strategic thinking of the dynamics and transitions of the arts field in Hungary and internationally. Her arts management activities are supported by her practice as a certified coach, business trainer and team facilitator. She coaches various artists in their career development as well as arts collectives for organizational development, facilitation of better collaborations and production management. She regularly leads workshops on production management, collaboration and international relations in Hungary and abroad.
Her main focus of interest is the delicate and ever shaping relationship of the artist and producer/manager as well as the support of collaborative work of collectives for the development of sustainable artistic projects and collaborations.